Previous concerts
December 23 | Izaline sings Porgy & Bess Inf
HELMOND - Theater Speelhuis
December 15 | Izaline Calister and band
AMERSFOORT - Koninkrijksconcert
December 07 | Izaline sings Porgy & Bess Inf
GORINCHEM - Theater Nieuwe Doelen
December 03 | Izaline and others
Theatre-production based on the novel Dubbelspel
AMSTERDAM - Paradiso
November 25 | Izaline Calister and band
LEIDEN - Grenzenloos Festival
November 24 | Izaline sings Porgy & Bess Inf
DRACHTEN - Schouwburg De Lawei
November 18 | With the Metropole Orkest Inf
GOUDA -Goudsche Schouwburg
November 17 | Izaline sings Porgy and Bess Inf
AMSTERDAM - Concertgebouw
November 15 | Izaline sings Porgy and Bess Inf
HOOGEZAND - Theater Het Kielzog
November 11 | Izaline Calister and band
ROTTERDAM - De Evenaar
November 03 | Izaline sings Porgy and Bess Inf
DEN HAAG - Anton Philipszaal
PRESS » (Cultuurpodium, Dutch)
October 28 | Izaline Calister and band
AMSTERDAM - Podium Mozaiek
October 27 | Izaline Calister and band
BREDA - Chassé Theater
October 26 | Izaline Calister and band
DEN HAAG - Het Paard van Troje
PRESS » (Cultuurpodium, Dutch)
PRESS » (3voor12Lokaal, Dutch)
October 25 | Izaline Calister and band
HOOGEVEEN - De Tamboer
October 22 | With the Metropole Orchestra
RIJSWIJK - Rijswijkse Schouwburg
October 21 | With the Metropole Orchestra
TILBURG - Theaters Tilburg
October 15
CURAÇAO - Kurá di Museo di Kòrsou
October 14
CURAÇAO - Octagon, Avila Beach Hotel
October 11, 12
ARUBA - Cas di Cultura
October 06 | Izaline Calister and band
UTRECHT - Vredenburg
September 30 | Izaline Calister and band
ALKMAAR - Jazzfestival
September 29 | Izaline Calister and quartet (with José Lopretti, Reno Steba, Roël Calister)
AMSTERDAM - Griffioen
September 22 | With jazz-trio
Jazz & Brasilian with Bas van Lier (p), Eric Barkman (b) and Cyril Directie (dr).
AMSTERDAM - Toomler (Comedytrain)
September 09 | Izaline Calister and band
ST. VEIT (AUSTRIA) - Festival Burgculturtage
August 26 | With the Holland Big Band cond. by Loet van der Lee
August 20 | Izaline Calister and band
AMSTERDAM - Vondelpark
August 19 | Izaline Calister and band
DEN HAAG - Pure Jazzfest
PRESS » (Dutch)
August 13 | Izaline Calister and band
ASCHAFFENBURG (GERMANY) - Afrika-Karibik Festival
August 11 | Izaline Calister and band
VLAARDINGEN - Zomerterras Festival
August 05 | Izaline Calister and band
GRAZ (AUSTRIA) - Jazz Sommer
PRESS » (Kleine Zeit.)
July 30 | Trio line-up
NIEUWESCHANS (GR.) - Festival Muzikale Zomer
July 29 | Izaline Calister and band
GRONINGEN - Festival Muzikale Zomer
PRESS » (Dagblad vh Noorden)
PRESS » (Gezinsbode)
July 16 | With the Cubop City Bigband
ROTTERDAM - North Sea Jazzfestival
July 16 | Izaline Calister and band
ROTTERDAM - North Sea Jazzfestival
July 01 | Izaline as guestsolist
ZWOLLE - De stad als theater
June 29 | Live radio-performance
1opdeMiddag, Radio 1
S GRAVENHAGE - Antillenhuis
June 08 | Live radio-interview
RADIO 1 - 14:00
June 05 | Izaline Calister and Ed Verhoeff (g)
Intimate Moments, program by Angelo Verploegen
S HERTOGENBOSCH - Jazz in Duketown
May 28 | Izaline Calister and band
ROTTERDAM - Dunya Festival
May 27 | Izaline Calister and Rob Elfrink (guitar) in the literary night with writer Henning Mankell
BREDA - Chassé Theater
May 24 and 25 | Izaline Calister and Roël Calister
Workshops Roots & Routes
SCHIEDAM - Total Music
May 21 | Izaline Calister and José Lopretti
Live radio-performance
AVRO RADIO - Live show Opium
May 21 | Izaline Calister and band Live TV-show for NPS Arena.
Or see concert through NPS-site »
May 20 | Izaline Calister and band
Live radio-performance
TROS RADIO 2 - Live show Muziekcafé
May 13 | Live radio-performance
VARA RADIO - Spijkers met Koppen
May 12 | With Dual City Concert Band
ENSCHEDE - Jazzpodium De Tor
May 07 | CD-presentation Kanta Hélele
PRESS » (Cultuurpodium)
PRESS » (Antill. Dagbl.)
May 05 | Izaline Calister and band
LEEUWARDEN - Bevrijdingsfestival
April 26 - May 2 | With Roy Dackus (drm), Jesse van Ruller (g), Karel Boehlee (pno) and Theo de Jong (b)
KAZACHSTAN - Jazzfestival
April 21, 22, 23 | Workshops Rotterdam Conservatory
ROTTERDAM - Conservatory
March 29 | With own band
NÜRNBERG (GERMANY) - Karstadt Kultur Café
PRESS » (Nürnberger Nachr.)
March 17 | With own band
Double-concert with Christina Branco
ROTTERDAM - Oude Luxor Theater
March 04 | Special line-up with a.o. trumpeter Kurt Weiss
HOOGEVEEN - Theater de Tamboer
February 18 | KRIOYO-tour 05-06
AUSTERLITZ - Beauforthuis
February 16 | KRIOYO-tour 05-06
Trio line-up with Rob Elfrink (g) and Roël Calister (pc)
HEEMSTEDE - Het Oude Slot
February 11 | With the Metropole orkest
Nederlandse Muziekdagen
UTRECHT - Vredenburg
January 27 | KRIOYO-tour 05-06
HOOFDDORP - Schouwburg De Meerse
January 22 | KRIOYO-tour 05-06
UTRECHT - Stadsschouwburg Utrecht
January 21 | KRIOYO-tour 05-06
CAPELLE A/D IJSSEL - Isala Theater
January 14 | With Cubop City Big Band
Latin Vocal Explosion 10 year jubilee-concert
January 01 | With Rob Elfrink, guitar
Newyear-party of the city of Groningen
GRONINGEN - De Oosterpoort
