Wednesday, October 11
ARUBA - Cas di Cultura.
Thursday, October 12
ARUBA - Cas di Cultura.
Saturday, October 14
CURAÇAO - Avila Beach Hotel.
Showtime 20.30 h.
Sunday, October 15
CURAÇAO - Kurá di Museo di Kòrsou
Showtime 16.00 h.
Tickets for the concerts in Curaçao are available at Mensings Caminada, The Music Store and Tik Tak Punda. Theres a free lyrics-folder with every two tickets (see below).
Free Lyrics-folder
08-09-06 Singing in Papiamentu, Izaline enjoys very much to perform on the isles of the Netherlands Antilles. Specially for the audiences in Curaçao, the lyrics of the new songs are published in a printed folder to fit into the cd-cover of your Kanta Hélele-copy. For everyone who feels inspired to sing along.
Thanks to Interpress BV », its free with every two tickets to one of the concerts overthere. So, people of Curaçao: get your tickets quickly. As long as they last!