
Juffrouw Kokolishis bruiloft
Izaline Calister was granted a special assignment by the KIT Tropentheater to create a special concert based on Antillian childrens songs. Together with storyteller and actor Wijnand Stomp Izaline crafted a special theatre-show for children (6 to 10).
Juffrouw Kokolishis bruiloft tells the story of a schoolteacher with weddingplans but no groome-to-be. In the cheery and colourfull show Izaline teaches the audience (and some prospective suitors) childrens songs in Papiamentu. The traditional songs underwent a modern treatment in different Caribbean grooves. Izaline and Wijnand were musically accompanied by Eric Calmes, Randal Corsen and Roël Calister. Juffrouw Kokolishis bruiloft toured the Dutch theaters in 2002
Izaline Calister - vocals, acting
Wijnand Stomp - story-telling, acting
Randal Corsen - piano
Eric Calmes / Mick Paauwe - bass
Roël Calister - drums

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